Friday, November 15, 2013

Posted by Unknown |
Lies, white lies, fibs, omitting, or if you want to get pretentious: fabricating. Lies are lies, no matter how you dress it up. Everyone is a liar liar pants on fire. Yes, by everyone I am including myself. My pants stay on smolder daily. It's the little white lies that get me through the day with my sanity in tact. "No, I didn't eat the last slice of pizza." "I think it was Sharon who jammed the copier." "Yes, I'd just love to hear about your 5th divorce again." See? Little white lies. But I'm not saying I'm in the right. It' not ok to lie, even for the protection of someone's feelings by telling them yes, they do look great in those leggings they bought, when they really don't. If that person's legs looks like ground up beef in a sausage casing, tell them. Just tell them in a nice way. No one likes a liar. Whether it's an omission or a lie, it's best to be upfront. 

C.K learned the hard way that being upfront and honest with me is always best. A couple months ago, I bought him a gift certificate to have a tattoo done at our favorite shop, but he decided to sell it to a friend for some cash. He waited days after to tell me about what he did. When he finally fessed up, I was mad and hurt. Not because he cashed it in, but because he felt that he couldn't tell me. I always express the importance about being honest. So why lie? His answer was, he didn't want to hurt my feelings or get me mad. The problem is, I ended up being hurt and mad anyway. He should have been straight up from the get go, and I wouldn't have been as hurt or upset as I was after he waited. Lies have a way of hurting people, it's just a matter of when the hurt is going to come. 

My mom always told me, "What you do in the dark always finds it's way to the light." So, by lying thinking you are protecting someone's feelings or defending yourself from the consequences of your actions, all you are doing is delaying the inevitability that the truth WILL come out. If you had the nerve/balls to do whatever you did, or call yourself a true friend, stay honest. No more liars liars and pants on fire. Don't let your friend go out looking like cellulite stuck in spandex, and don't lie about things you shouldn't have done. I'm sure your pants will thank you. 



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