Friday, November 1, 2013

Posted by Unknown | File under : , , , , , , ,

This is my love, my rock, my best friend. I love and trust him more than I have ever trusted anyone. It's scary, yet so freeing to know that you love and trust someone so completely. That means you are handing over your body, heart, and soul. All your fears, vulnerability, hopes, dreams, goes to him. Its an amazing experience. We are each others rock, best friend, and personal cheer leader. We have gone through tough times and really took a beating, but we came out victorious. We aren't perfect, far from it actually. But we both know and understand that if we love each other enough, we don't give up when things get hard.
So what do you do when your love, your rock, your best friend, leaves for the military? You soldier on (pun intended). My boyfriend plans on enlisting into the United States Air Force (USAF)  very soon, and I'm slightly worried. I know he will do great and thrive in the military, just like the men in his family before him. He's prepared the best he can be for enlistment, but I am not. I feel like no amount of Google could possibly prepare me for months without him because of boot camp, and then a year during his deployment. Now don't get confused on the type woman that I am. I'm not a needy, clingy, annoying type of woman. I'm very much the opposite. Strong, independent, and damn stubborn. I know how to handle my own. I come from strong women who've taught me that. But, what they haven't taught me is how to be strong for my man while he is away. How do military spouses and families do it? How? I feel so completely at a loss and so ill prepared, that my perfectionist side of me is going crazy. 

This is a glimpse of my world. An attached-at-the-hip strong relationship being pulled apart for duty. A woman at a loss on how to be there for her love while he's answering his call to serve his country. I want to show that I support him every step of the way and still his rock even though we aren't together. I will soldier on though. I will be there every step of the way, even if its more of an awkward stumble, than a step. When the going gets tough, you push through it. Even though it would be so easy for me to run away and say "forget it", I know my duty as a woman. To support her man. Like my guy loves to tell me, its time to get out of my comfort zone. 


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