Thursday, November 21, 2013

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Being a lover of comedy, and someone who aspires to maybe work in the comedy world, I know there's a lot of things you have to be able to do to make it in the industry. Making people laugh is a given to the smart asses who thought I was pointing out the obvious. To make people laugh is the goal, but to be able to laugh at yourself is the talent to get you there. You have to be able to laugh at yourself, to be funny to others and really open up comedically .That skill also applies in life.Too many people shy from fun times and moments that could possibly be embarrassing for them or out of their comfort zone. In my mind I have always known this, and never thought I had a problem with being able to laugh at myself. I've had slight embarrassing moments and easily laughed them off in the past. It didn't truly click in my head about the importance of being able to laugh at yourself during embarrassing situation, until the time came to where I laughed genuinely at a definite mortifying moment. During sex with my boyfriend, my vagina decided to fart.  

An emission of air from the vagina, usually during sex, commonly known as a "queef" or "vart". What do you do when you vagina decides to do that during sex? Pray to a higher being that your partner didn't hear and keep going? Burst in to tears and end the butt naked bang bang session? Or do you burst into uncontrollable laughter that makes your vagina continue to fart, and then laugh some more because it keeps happening? Yeah, I chose option number three. It was was too obvious to ignore, and there was no way I was bursting into tears just because my lady garden had a little flatulence. That left me with the only option to laugh and laugh hard. I had no idea it was going to happen, but when it did, C.K's face was priceless. That sent my laughter over the edge and into the "busting a gut" kind of laughter. Tears brimming up into my eyes, face hurting, and side cramping, it finally clicked into my head about being able to laugh at yourself in awkward situations. Although C.K said I was ruining the moment by laughing, I couldn't help but laugh the most freeing laugh I have ever laughed in a long time. It was almost therapeutic in a way. I realized how good it felt to be able to laugh in a situation like that instead of shying away and wishing that ACME anvil a couple of posts ago, would come smash me. I embraced the moment, not allowing myself to let it crush my confidence. After the passing of air was done and my laughter subsided, we definitely got back into our butt naked bang bang session and it was so much more fun too. ;) 

Whether or not you want to work in the comedy industry, try to learn from the comedians. They make a living making others laugh with their stories of their life experiences without batting an eye. So what my hoohoo toot-tooted? It happens more often in women than people think. It's not a big deal unless you make it one. So take it from me and my plethora of embarrassing moments, and laugh. Look at it from a comedic eye and find the funny. Life is too precious to allow awkward situations hold you back. Laugh and laugh hard with pride, because you aren't letting a silly situation get you down. In a way, I am grateful to my flatulent pussycat. I learned the lesson, and now I am passing down my knowledge. Lesson of the day: You aren't truly free until you can genuinely laugh at yourself. Don't thank me, thank my vagina. 



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