Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Posted by Unknown |
From the first day we met, I knew my boyfriend and I were definitely in the "opposites attract" category of couples. We are so different in so many ways, that I'll have to save that for a different post to explain. We struggle every now and again to adjust to the fact that we don't think the same way about a lot of things. Today wasn't any different. The boyfriend and I got into a "discussion" about the subject of gift giving. Our one year anniversary is coming up, along with Christmas , AND his birthday. Hurray for my pockets right? Wrong. Anyway, we came to the topic of how men and women differ on the process of finding gifts for the opposite sex. More specifically, how I struggle finding gifts for him versus his ease of finding gifts for me. I struggle every time when it comes to buying him things, when he's all breezy with the fact that I'm so easy to shop for. I can not even begin to tell you how frustrating that is for me. Men are so simple its complicated, and I'm slightly a perfectionist.
Every person I buy a gift for, I have went completely out of my way to blow their minds with gifts. I always put deep thought in the type of person they are, the things they like, and the things they may need. I took all of that into consideration as I tried to find gifts for them. I wanted to wow them, surprise them, and get that sense of deep satisfaction that I made them happy. I love the feeling that the long search, the frustration on finding the gift, was worth it. It's like a sport for me. The thinking, the planning, and the search for the gift was the playoffs, and presenting the gift was winning the freaking playoffs. Just put a W next to my name, because I have won. No I'm not crazy, I swear. I just love showing I care with a nicely wrapped gift. I know it's not always just about the gift, it's what the gift represents, or what I'm trying to say to the person the gift is for. The perfectionist in me wants everything to be perfect, and the people pleaser in me wants everyone happy. And then there's my boyfriend. He's a very laid back when it comes to most things, like most guys are. Not much effort goes into the gift giving. Well, that's not fair to say. He does a little brainstorming, thinks of the gift he wants you to have, and then goes to get it, or make it, or even gets a little old school and give you something from his childhood ( a game boy advance with a game, if you were curious), and call it a day. How freaking fair is that?? It's not. I obsess weeks to find "the perfect gift" to ensure he loves it, while over thinking and overanalyzing in the process, while he's sitting peachy keen not even breaking a sweat. It's just not fair. Pretend to break a sweat at least.
My boyfriend and I are as different as can be. Our gift giving tactics clearly demonstrate that. But, ultimately the process we go through, as well as many other couples, to find the perfect gift for our significant other doesn't matter. We both know that we both put thought into the gift, and care about the other persons reaction to the gift. That's what really matters. Not the fact that the other person didn't go completely out of their way, or spend as much time trying to find a gift. The fact that I'm an obsessive perfectionist is my affliction, not his. So, its not his fault that he doesn't have to really try as hard as I do to find me something he thinks I might like.I have to remember that it's about the other person and what they are trying to express to you with the gift. It's not about the time or money spent, or the effort put into it. Now, if it's a cliché stuffed animal and a .97 cent card from the drug store, then sweat it. Sweat it big time. And then maybe break up with that person. That's not ballin on a budget, that's down right cheap. Otherwise, don't sweat the stuff surrounding the gift. It's unnecessary and put's unneeded stress on the relationship. Spend that energy doing something productive like, solving world hunger or why there's too much air in chip bags.


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