Friday, November 8, 2013

Posted by Unknown |
"For better or for worse". That is the promise that couples say as a vow while changing their "I's" to "we's", and those "me's" to an "us" in marriage. As a person in a relationship, I know I have a certain responsibility as a woman, and as a girlfriend to my boyfriend. But, what I didn't know was how hard it would be to maintain that responsibility of support through difficult times, before the boyfriend and I even reached the possibilities of us ever saying "I do". With problems coming at C.K (my boyfriend) and I from seemingly every angle, we are learning that in serious relationships, being there for each other "for better or for worse" doesn't start at "I do". It begins when you decide that you truly love that person instead of "like like" them. Unfortunately, that is easier said than done. 

I've been struggling on what exactly to write about our situation. Do I paint him as the jerk and I the pitiful victim so you, the reader, take my side of the argument? Or, do I make myself the villain and throw in a plot twist? Neither. Truth is, C.K and I are both at fault. We bicker and fight about nonsense, like him always being late,or me saying "whatever" when I don't want to discuss something. We are human. We aren't perfect. We fight and argue. But, as much as we get on each other's last nerves, we are ALWAYS there for each other, for better or for worse. So right now, things are hard. He's struggling to find work and I'm struggling to find ways to show him that he's not completely down on his luck and that I'm there for him. There's only so much that I can do. I don't have a magic wand to wave and make things better. But, I do have my willingness to support him in this  difficult time, despite the arguments and the frustrations. 

Nothing in life worth having comes easy. Some famous person out there said that, and unfortunately the jerk was right. Nothing in life worth having really doesn't come easy. If it did, my relationship with C.K wouldn't be a headache and a half, half the time. Life seems to be beating us sideways while we are trying to remain upright. Through our struggles as individuals, we are starting to really see who we really are. Two insecure individuals, one control freak, one lacking gumption, and a partridge in a pear tree. True colors are shining through the haze that was the honeymoon phase of our relationship, testing our wills. But we love each other, and we know that we are worth working for, for better or for worse. 


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