Monday, November 4, 2013

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Pauline Kael, an American film critic, once said:

" A good movie can take you out of your dull funk and the hopelessness that so often goes with slipping into a theatre; a good movie can make you feel alive again, in contact, not just lost in another city. Good movies make you care, make you believe in possibilities again. If somewhere in the Hollywood-entertainment world someone has managed to break through with something that speaks to you, then it isn't all corruption. The movie doesn't have to be great; it can be stupid and empty and you can still have the joy of a good performance, or the joy in just a good line. An actor’s scowl, a small subversive gesture, a dirty remark that someone tosses off with a mock-innocent face, and the world makes a little bit of sense..."

The butterflies of anticipation, the giddy impatience, and the kool aid smile of excitement. That is what I experience before the start of every movie. Seeing the opening credits and hearing the opening music, stills my body. I forget to exist.For ninety minutes or so, I'm lost. I'm lost inside the cinema magic. Nothing else matters to me, but what's on that screen.Watching movies is an escape for me. The lights go dark and so do your worries. For a couple hours, you're inside the movie and following the plot, while never once thinking about the stress that waits for you after the credits roll. I can get lost inside the world the movie creates for me. My mind shuts off from the millions of thoughts that plague me daily. I can live a thousand lives within movies. I've been everywhere, real and/or imaginary. I've lived inside the movie, pretending I'm my favorite character, as they go on their journey to win the battle, survive their adventure, or get the guy. Watching different movies takes your mind to places you've only dreamed of. That's where the true magic exists.In movies, I know that love can be flawless, and  the geeky girl can get the super hot popular boy to fall in love with her. In movies, other worlds are real, and fairy tales are brought to life. You can't fail. You only face some sort of minor setback or obstacle, but not to worry, that's only the climax. There's always a trick up the sleeve, a plot twist, or secret plan. Everything makes sense. Every gesture, every line, and every action has a purpose. That's what makes movies so great. It shows you a perfect world, where there aren't any unknowns like there are in life. It's my escape from the unknown, my proverbial safety blanket. Movies are my safe place. I will forever love movies. 



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