Thursday, November 14, 2013

Posted by Unknown | File under : , , ,
You know those people who have known what career they wanted since they've popped out their mom's hoo-ha? Yeah, those people who have it all together and working in a field they love? I hate those people. Not because of who they are, but because they have it all figured out. I however, do not. I tend to have a lot of ideas of something that sounds great, but no solid idea that turns into a plan of action. At the age of 5 I was asked "What do you want to be when you grow up?" My answer: a doctor. At the age of 10, I was asked again. My answer: A marine biologist. Sixteen rolls around, and I was asked once more. My answer: nurse. Now at the age of 20-something, if you were to ask me for the billionth time what I want to be when I finally grew up, my answer would be, "I don't know". How could I not know? 

The past 15 years of my life I had some sort of idea to what I wanted to do. But now, when my adult life is really starting to begin, I have no bloody clue. I've always had the desire to make a difference in other peoples lives. That's the one thing I know for sure that I want to do with my life. Make a difference, and be happy in whatever I choose to do. But, unfortunately being happy isn't a career, and making differences don't pay the bills. 

I firmly believe that everyone has a skill that they are great at, that helps them in doing what they love. Problem is, I haven't really found out what mine is yet. I know that I'm good at helping others. Which is good, I guess. Who wants a great eye for detail and maybe become a great designer, when you can have great listening skills? So, I am starting my journey to find a job that I'd love to wake up everyday, that puts my skill set to the test. I don't like the idea of settling. I don't want to just pick some career and end up 5 years down the line hating my job. Is it wrong to want to love what I do? Is it wrong to not want to settle, or to want to ensure my happiness in whatever I choose to do? Maybe it's naive to want that, but I don't care, at least I want to make something of myself.

I may not have known what I wanted to be since I was born, or have it all together, but at least I want something out of life. I don't have all the answers to my problems, or even a set path on how to get there, but I'm determined to find it. Starting now, I will be doing research, on the world wide web and inside myself, to find a worthwhile career that I can be happy doing. Want to help? The suggestion box is open for positivity only. Until then, wish me luck. 



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