Sunday, November 3, 2013

Posted by Unknown | File under : , , ,
Growing up, I couldn't wait to be 20-something. I had dreams of living on my own, a nice car, and fancy material items. But then reality sucker punched me in the face. Health issues, lack of motivation, and the economy, really caused some major setbacks in my dream 20-something lifestyle. So here I am, a 20-something "adult" struggling to make something of her life, putting herself through college with bills to pay, and still trying to maintain a social life, while living at home; carless. Pretty sad really. I sympathize with bank robbers. If I lacked morals and had the lady balls, I'd be a bank robber too. The cost of living continues to rise and money is scarce. But unfortunately, I don't look good in orange or prison stripes, so bank robbery or any kind of thievery is out of the question. 

Lately, its been even more of a struggle, because it really hit me about the importance of wise money spending. I've made a lot of mistakes with overspending and impulse buying, only to really regret it later when I had only 5 dollars to survive the week. I spent money like it was going out of style, just so I can maintain the appearance that I actually had money. Ridiculous. I'm not a label whore, but you would never catch me buying store brand peanut butter if I knew there was Jif or Peter Pan on the shelf. But with my lovely adult life, if I can save .50 cents, I buy that store brand peanut butter with gusto. Why buy Jif when I know that knock off-I mean "store brand", tastes just as good? It's the little things that really make a difference. Cutting out things I know for a fact I don't need, or even sacrificing things that I can go without for a while, saves those nickels and dimes for something that I really need. 

Being a person who acted before thinking, this new frame of mind is....different. I know it's necessary if I don't want to be 30-something still living at home. Hard work pays off in the end. That's the cliche my mom always tells me. I think its just code for, "hurry up and move out". Well trust me mom, I'm working on it. Even if that means renting Redbox instead of going to the movies, or dollar menuing it instead of going to restaurants, so that one day I can have my dream lifestyle and be proud of myself of accomplishing something that once seemed so impossible. 

I've learned that everything in life comes at a cost. It just depends on what that thing is, and is it truly worth buying? My old self would be buying Betsey Johnson bags and jewelry without a care, but my new responsible self knows that its more important to have my business taken care of and money in my bank account. Who knows what could come up? Is it really that important to have the latest bag, or money for when you really need it? It's great to have nice things, I'm not saying it isn't. There just comes a time where you have to decide what's truly important in life. The appearance of having it together, or actually having it together. I choose to having it together. When someone sees me out and about, I want them to see a woman who's got it all figured out, not some poser living paycheck to paycheck. It's about that time I get my priorities in order. 


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