Sunday, November 24, 2013

Posted by Unknown | File under : , , ,
By now, I'm sure most of you have realized that I say exactly how I feel about whatever comes to my mind and that nothing is off limits, including vaginal flatulence. If you haven't noticed, then maybe you should go back and reread since I've now pointed out the obvious. I'm not afraid of talking about my life and my experiences, because I know that someone, somewhere, has gone through or is going through what I wrote about. If they haven't, then go ahead and get a laugh at my expense. At least my posts have served a purpose. I got into writing a blog because I felt like I had something to say that was worth hearing, and to connect with others through the written word. I never thought I would learn and grow from writing a blog. But, it has been such an exciting experience so far, and I want to share with you all what exactly I've learned. Here it goes:

1. If it's something you truly enjoy, don't let anyone discourage you from doing it. It's what makes you happy, and that's all that matters

2. Not everyone is going to like what you post, and you have to be ok with that. Everything I post is MY opinion. No one elses. Not everyone is going to agree with what I have to say or the way I say it, and that's fine. I will keep writing, you don't have to keep reading. 

3. Don't be afraid of silence. If you were to see me in public, and I was alone, I most likely have headphones in my ears. I never was comfortable with silence. Especially with my own thoughts. Silence gave way to my worries, and gave me anxiety. So I flooded my head with constant music to hide from. But, blogging has helped me realize that I don't need to hide. Embrace it, and find a way to write it out.

4. It's ok to stray from the beaten path. I grew up thinking I could never do anything other than what people expect of me. I now know that the only thing that matters is what I expect from myself. I expect only the best and to be successful in whatever I choose. So, I know that I will be just fine. I don't need to follow anyone else's life plan but mine.

5. You can't be perfect overnight. Blogging takes time and work. It's something that I take pride in, but I know I'm not perfect. I'm just a novice who's learning along the way. When I first began, I had these huge expectations of myself to be able to blog everyday and stay on top of every project I took on. I forgot that I'm human, and these things takes time. 

6. Learn from the criticism. I used to hate when someone criticized my work, but now I crave it. As long as it's constructive, I want to hear it. I never want to be stuck and never grow as a writer. 

This is only the beginning of my blogging journey. I know I have much more to learn, but I think I'm doing ok so far. I can't imagine where blogging will take me, but I'm loving it so far. 



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