Friday, January 10, 2014

Posted by Unknown |

C.K and I have been sick with colds for a while now. I am almost completely over mine, thanks to me taking necessary precautions and medication. He, however, was getting progressively worse. I was confused as to why he wasn't getting better, but after a conversation the other night, I figured out why. This is the conversation between C.K and I the other night over a cold that he has now had for almost a week:

C.K: I feel really ill and fatigued
Me: What are your symptoms?
C.K: Sore throat, sinus pressure, fatigue, minor cough
Me: Then you probably need some Dayquil cold and flu, or the one for sinuses
C.K: as for the fatigue? Just some rest?
Me: (to myself I want to shout “DUH!!!”, but Im not rude) Yes, you need to rest up. No gym, more iron and protein rich foods along with vitamin C and B

At this point, I am wondering why he is asking me this. Shouldn’t he know this already? It’s been a week! He should already be doing this. But then I thought, “Oh wait, he’s a guy. Never mind.”

Me: Also, more water intake, less milk. It causes more phlegm build up; and socks on at all times.

I say the socks comment thinking CLEARLY, he must know to have socks on because he is sick, his bedroom floor is concrete, and its FREAKING COLD OUTSIDE due to this thing called WINTER. Surely, he must be wearing socks. Oh, how I was so wrong.

C.K: Oh, I better go put some on then.
Me: …..please tell me you turned off your giant fan.
C.K: I guess I need to turn it off?
Me: *insert face palm* yes, why would have a fan on and you are cold and sick???
C.K: Ok ok….how about clothing…..should I be fully clothed, or are boxers and a shirt ok?
Me: *frustrated silence* Fully. Clothed.

Guys, you see what I am working with here? DO YOU SEE?? I’ve always had fantasies of role playing and playing nurse, but now I could give two farts in a jar about that. There is absolutely no way that will happen anytime soon. I need time to get over the trauma I have experienced. Never in my life have I ever been so frustrated and mad at the fact that he did not know anything about taking care of himself when he is sick, that if you put a cape on me, I guess you could say that I was SUPER mad (Yeah, I just threw that pun in there). Although I was very frustrated that he lacked the common knowledge, I understand. He doesn’t get sick often, so how is he really to know? That and the fact that he is a guy and common sense sometimes escapes them like air out of a balloon.

I was in the health academy in high school; I am a certified first responder, and currently studying to take my emergency medical technician certification in February. Obviously, I have higher knowledge than he when it comes to health. Besides my credentials, I am just a person who likes to always be prepared for any situation at hand that may require my knowledge. You could say that I am a bit of a “know-it-all”. I don’t ever like going into things blindly, so it’s always nice to have information at the ready. So, in a circumstance when my boyfriend is at a loss with how to take care of himself, it takes every fiber in my being to shout, “HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW THIS?? “ But, because I am not a complete asshole, I don’t. Because domestic violence is wrong, and he is quite sensitive (despite the fact he does MMA), I won’t bop him upside the head and say, “You could have had a V8” either.

I am slowly coming to grips that C.K does not think the way I do. I can not make him think more like me, because he is not me. He isn’t hardwired to retain and learn like I am. I am always reading and researching new things that are of immediate or future use, because I hunger for learning. He is the type of person that if it does not occur, or directly affect him, he doesn’t think about it. And that’s ok for him. I can’t get mad at him for being 100% the person he is. I can not get mad that he doesn’t have the same interests in learning like I do. That’s not fair to either of us, and it's counterproductive. Instead, I will educate him for the next time he gets sick so I do not have to repeat this nightmare. Hopefully by then, I will have recovered from the trauma of his lack of knowledge, and we can get that nurse fantasy back in motion. 



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