Monday, January 13, 2014

Posted by Unknown |
Where are the days when you could be out all night and all weekend with your friends having a blasty blast, and being able to show up to work the next day with the only evidence of your wild night/weekend were just the pictures and memories? Where has it gone? It’s lost in the year 2013 like my 21st birthday, and my high tolerance for weekend recovery. But now, the evidence of my 22nd birthday weekend is all over me like white on rice. Sleep deprived, sore muscled, and pale, I walk into work after a birthday weekend full of the circus, indoor skydiving, and a comedy show. I feel like 3 days road kill and I am pretty sure I look like it too. As I type, I am looking longingly at my orange juice and Red Bull cocktail (yes I know it’s not good for me, hold the unsolicited opinions please) I have concocted to get me through the morning…and afternoon. I am definitely not 21 anymore people. I have officially been kicked out of the “Bounce Back” club. I just don’t recover like I used to. I’m that old stretched out rubber band that is still kind of good, but you’d much rather use that nice new stretchy eye-putter-outer rubber band because I might break at any minute. I’m on the slow sad road of being older and more responsible. I know, I know. I know you are thinking I am being quite dramatic, and most likely you are right. But, I can not help that I feel like poo on a hot summer’s day: gross, smelly, and frankly, a bit shitty.

Looking back on my year, I know that I definitely took advantage of my youth. I didn’t take it for granted or let it go to waste. I know I am still young in the aspect of age and appearances, but inside I feel like I am older than my years. Inside, I’m some old lady that wears muumuus because they are so dang comfortable and has the urge to tell younger people “back in the day” stories. I’ve experienced most of the things I have wanted to experience and experienced things I definitely wish I could have skipped. So in appreciation of my youth and in respect to my inner old lady, I am going take this year to slow down. I’m not as young as I used to be. There is only so much I can put my body through before I really start seeing the negative affects. I want to live a long life full of smiles and laughter, not grimaces and winces. My inner old lady agrees; it’s time to take a beat. What’s the point in rushing? I want to take my time to truly appreciate the moments and the building of memories while I can. I want to be able to tell them in vivid detail, instead of a crazy whirlwind of memory flashes. So for the time being, I am in search of a hobby that will quell my hunger for adventure. Maybe I will start planning an adventure for the future. How does a cross country road trip sound? Yeah...I think it sounds pretty stellar too. 

    Elderly and adventurously yours, Jaxx


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