Thursday, January 16, 2014

With the help of a friend, the Famous No One name is now expanding to a brand. It is on its way to becoming a site that is more than a blog. I am creating a name that will be a positive force in the community with the goal to give back and make a difference. The plan is to join charities and volunteer through my brand, as well as reach out to people who wants their voice to be out there. Marketing and selling products with the Famous No One logo, I and supporters will be able to give a percentage of the profit to the charities we feel will benefit through our aid, and use the rest towards getting the name out there and to inspire the masses. Famous No One, isn't just me making a difference, it's for everyone that feels like they can't do something because they aren't famous and/or rich. Their voice will be out there. They will have a chance to make a difference. It all starts with Famous No One. 

Wish me luck! I hope to gain your support once we are up and running! 



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