Thursday, January 9, 2014

Posted by Unknown |
This is going to be a weird one....prepare yourself for unfiltered weirdness...

22 years ago, a star was born....probably. I don't know, I'm not an astrophysicist. But, what I do know is I was born too; in a pretty stellar fashion I might add. Who else knows how to make their grand entrance to the world more memorable than inhaling their own poo besides me? Yes, yes, how gross of me to say, but I was a newborn so relax. If nothing else, I am honest and unashamed. Crying first is so overrated. Coming into this world full of crap (pun intended) is the way to go. So, 22 years later and I'm here saying happy birthday to me, and thank you to all who are wishing me a happy birthday and/or spending the weekend with me to make it more special than some dust and rock becoming fused together into a star. 



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