Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Posted by Unknown | File under : , , , , , , , ,
I've fought with myself since I've started this blog about letting people see who I am. The sense of animosity was fun and exciting at first,  because I felt more freedom with my writing. By no means, am I a professional writer. I'm a person who loves to write and express myself in different ways. I honestly was a little nervous to show who I am, because then people could see the face behind the words, and make judgments. But, after thinking long and hard, I decided to find my lady balls, and show who I am. I'm an average girl.  I've battled for years with my self confidence, and its still not 100%. But now, I love who I am. Life is a continuous journey, and it's only exciting if you stray from the beaten path and do something that you wouldn't normally do. So this is me, taking a chance,  and showing myself to the world, letting everyone know that I am Jaxx, hear me roar!! 




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