Saturday, October 26, 2013

Posted by Unknown |
Let's talk about the birds and the B's. No, not the sex talk. I'm talking about flipping the bird and the women in your life who are witches with a capital B. There's nothing I hate more than catty women. Always trying to cause drama and stress in other peoples life. If you're bored and need something to do, don't try to cause drama, go find a hobby. Crochet, underwater basket weaving, staring contests, something. I'm not going to pretend like I know why some women act the way they do. I'm not going to pretend that I care. It took a while to get to the train of thought that I'm at currently, but now I know how to handle situations with women who like to try to poison my life with negativity. Flip them the bird. Yeah that's right. Give them the international sign for "fuck you". Whether it's in your head, behind their back, or even directly in their face. Just do it. That's all you need to do. Anything else, and you're fueling the fire and working yourself up to get caught up in the drama. Who cares if it's not lady like? Being a bitch isn't lady like either, and yet there are women doing that on a constant basis.

I had this "friend" that liked to deal drama like its freaking UNO, and her hand were all draw 4's. Anyone involved with her gets screwed in the end, and not in a good way. I got burned so bad in one of her "games", that I truly was at a loss of what to do about the situation. I was mad for days, stress eating, and talking trash about her to anyone who would listen. It consumed my life until one day I just had enough. I got mad at myself for letting myself get caught up in the drama, so I told myself "Fuck it". The situation was petty, and I know I'm a better person than the way I was acting. I flipped the "friend" and the situation the bird and walked away.

There are so many better things you could be doing than letting someones negativity take over your life. Don't let those B's manipulate your mental health. You know where you stand in life, you know there are people who love, care, and support you no matter what. So that ONE B, doesn't and shouldn't matter. Flip her, the situation, and the negativity, the bird and keep it moving. I guarantee life will become so much better.



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