Monday, September 15, 2014

I met a homeless man on Friday. I saw him before he even sought me out. Instantly, I judged him. He was dirty and had a slight limp. He was asking every person he passed on Church St. if they would buy him soup from one of the restaurants on the strip, and every single person said no. Some even crossed the road to avoid being asked. Even I, in my head made up my mind to say no before he even reached me. It was then I realized, that I in good conscience couldn't possibly say no. I pre-judged that man because he was homeless and dirty. I didn't even give him a chance. How could I possibly say no to someone in need? He wasn't asking for money. All he wanted was FOOD.
He finally made it to us now. He asked. I said yes. Instead of soup, we decided to walk together to the 7-eleven to get food there. I learned his name was Keith, but all his friends call him Speedy, probably out of irony lol. He was polite and thanked us over and over again for helping him. In the 7-eleven all he got was a can of tuna with crackers, chips and dip. Then he was on his merry way with more thank yous. $7 and a few minutes of my time is all that it cost me. I could have easily told him no that I couldn't help him. But, I know if I were in that position, all I'd want is for someone to take a chance on me. To take a chance and out of the kindness of their heart, help me. We all need to remember that, that homeless person begging for money/food....they are PEOPLE, before we turn our noses up to those we feel is beneath us. They are PEOPLE too, and WE are all HUMAN.


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Hey guys, I know it's been a while. A long while. I wish I could give a great explanation as to why I have been absent, but I cant. Simply put, I had lost my inspiration to write and the faith in myself as a “writer”. I felt that whether or not I wrote wouldn’t matter to anyone, and that one small voice amongst the millions in this blogger world would not be missed. But over these past few months, I realized how much I really needed it. I needed to get lost in world of words. Whether or not people read them doesn’t matter. The self-elation that I feel after writing and expressing myself exactly how I want, is all that matters. I understand that now. So, I am here to say that I am back and boy does it feel good.
